RSE team recommends cost-effective solutions to resolve potential issues in an environmentally sound manner.
RSE provides environmental engineering and analysis services for a variety of industrial projects throughout the United States.
Projects have included wood products manufacturing, mining and excavation, food processing, textile and paper mills, and lumber manufacturing. RSE’s services include permitting, civil engineering designs, environmental impact studies, site development and stormwater permits, economic and feasibility analyses, solid waste management, groundwater protection programs, and noise reduction both inside and outside of major sawmills.
Industrial and Commercial Projects
Forster Manufacturing Company, Inc.; Mattawamkeag Mill; Wilton, Maine. Air emission license renewal for a clothespin manufacturing facility with four identical 11-million-BTU wood-fired boilers and pneumatic raw material transfer equipment. The four-year-old license renewal process initiated by the client was expedited to a successful conclusion.
Coastal Rock & Stone; Woolwich, Maine. Environmental impact and economic analysis, geologic investigation, preliminary design, fatal flaw analysis, and critical path development schedule of a proposed ledge mining operation to be located in the Nequassett Lake watershed. Nequassett Lake is the public drinking water supply for several municipalities. RSE estimated the potential yield and marketability of quarry materials. RSE prepared a detailed project development and permitting critical path schedule. RSE also identified potential risks associated with permitting the project. The town of Woolwich has since established a lake watershed protection zone that strictly regulates or prohibits mining and excavation. RSE’s predicted fatal flaws are now a reality, with substantial opposition to this project leading to restrictive covenants in local comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and regional watershed management resource protection measures.
Irving Forest Products; Fort Kent, Maine. Environmental permitting, consent agreement negotiations, construction management for sawmill conversion, groundwater investigation, solid waste management, and leachate control, and regulatory compliance program for a cedar products sawmill. Environmental permits include National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System stormwater, site location, land use regulation, and solid waste. RSE evaluated the potential impact to groundwater quality from an 8-acre bark pile. As part of a consent agreement with the MDEP, RSE developed a mitigation plan for the bark pile that includes compliance with the LURC permit for the project.
Interstate Food Processing Corporation; Fort Fairfield, Maine. Air emission license renewal for a frozen food processing plant with two 35.1-million-BTU boilers and two product fryers. The renewal application examined the impact on ambient air quality of an increase in height of a major plant structure.
J. Paul Levesque & Sons, Inc.; Ashland, Maine. Air emissions license for two waste wood-fired boilers at a large sawmill. Boiler No. 1 has a capacity of 12.2 million BTUs and is fueled with wood chips, sawdust, and shavings. Boiler No. 2 uses similar fuel but is rated at 39.3 million BTUs.
Quinco Fabrics, Inc.; Lewiston, Maine. Energy management, HVAC design oversight, underground storage tank registration, chemical inventory reporting, material safety data sheets preparation, and pretreatment wastewater monitoring for a fiberglass cloth manufacturing facility. Major cost savings were realized by implementing energy conservation recommendations. An early adversarial position assumed by the municipal wastewater treatment authority was amicably resolved.
Process Consulting Services, Inc./Raymark (Formerly Raybestos Manhattan); Stratford, Connecticut. Technology assessment and economic analysis of a pilot plant based on molded pulp application to friction papers. This project involved setting up and managing field tests, analyzing results, and preparing written reports.
The Moody Group, Inc./Pejepscot Paper Division; The Hearst Corporation; Topsham, Maine. Project management for a new thermal mechanical reduction screening and rejects refining system.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./International Paper Company; Greenbush, South Carolina. Technical feasibility, environmental constraints, and economic analysis for a new structural composition board plant.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./Louisiana Pacific Corporation; Houlton, Maine. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for a new flakeboard mill.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./Weyerhaeuser Company; Grayling, Michigan. Environmental permitting, supporting studies, and pollution incident prevention plan for a new flakeboard mill.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./J. M. Huber Corporation; Eastern Maine. Technical feasibility study and economic analyses for a new structural composition board mill.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./Georgia Pacific Corporation; Woodland, Maine. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for a new flakeboard mill.
Neill & Gunter, Inc./Louisiana Pacific Corporation; Bemidji, Minnesota. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for a new flakeboard mill.
E.C. Jordan Company, Inc./U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Technical literature review for study of toxic compounds in pulp and paper mill effluents.
E.C. Jordan Company, Inc./Lincoln Pulp & Paper Company; Lincoln, Maine. Assistant to project manager for fast-tracking of costs, cash flow, and schedules for a secondary wastewater treatment system at a paper manufacturing facility.
E.C. Jordan Company, Inc./Great Northern Paper Company; East Millinocket, Maine. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for a new pulp mill.
E.C. Jordan Company, Inc./Nova Scotia Forest Industries; Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for pulp mill expansion.
E.C. Jordan Company, Inc./International Paper Company; Jay, Maine. Environmental permitting and supporting studies for a new papermaking machine and mill expansion.
Maine State Planning Office/Scott Paper Company; Somerset, Maine. Peer review of environmental permits for a new paper mill.
Preti, Flaherty, Beliveau & Pachios; Peaslee Gravel Pit; Whitefield, Maine. Design peer review and testimony at the planning board regarding the Prtechnical merits of a proposed gravel pit.
Ossipee Chipping; Ossipee, New Hampshire. Air emission license for a wood-chipping plant.

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